>>37123124There's been a noticeable slowdown in Myth activity after the off collab. Gura hasn't collabed with Myth since outside of the Anniversary, Pico Park, and Among Us collab. Several members of Myth said they haven't spoken to Gura in a long time, and Myth as a whole seems particularly distant since the summer.
The honest truth is no one knows for sure what caused the rift. Here's a few things that happened, but who's to say if they actually caused drama or not:
>Mori dragged Gura into a big house party that got their address doxxed while they were there, Gura hid in a room for the evening>Gura left Ame, Kiara and Ina to set up the 3D for Kiara's concert, stayed in her hotel room alone for most of the off collab week (it was heavily hinted she was being affected by whatever medical condition she's got)>Kiara and Ame both said Ina had a short fuse and blew up at them while setting up the VR stuff>Gura and Ame (?) both said that somebody's feet really stank at the off collab, the board was able to confirm via process of elimination it was MoriI feel like none of these things would really be enough to justify a sudden rift in Myth's friendship, so who knows why they drifted apart even more after the off collab. Could be something else, but they seemed rather happy and relaxed when they did the final off collab karaoke, which is puzzling.