>>51140727No you fucking wont you lard ass weak shit you wanna meet up ill name a place and you wont show cus ur a weak bitch scared of being nuked (by an irl actual nuclear reactor going critical mind you not PRESS DELETE ON 4CHAN ITS A NUKE!!!!!)
when i snap
im going full nuclear not fucking pipe weak ass shit man or a mass shooting fuck that
>>51140398based anon
>>51140452isnt it funny
the 9 samefag emmy replies are all still up
but emmy aka naemuti the never gona be a + faggot 4chan mod
who is trying to be pet schizo 2.0 (but doesnt realise pet schizos legitimately knows these people and naemuti is just an ACTUAL thread schizo)
it then deletes any posts calling it out
>>51142968all you're doing by posting this schizo nonsense is showing everyone its (You) again you're screaming like a schizo about non existant clowns, are you okay naemuti?
>>51140722take your fucking meds you schizo you still fail to realise just how the 5 eyes have weaponised pet schizos unbridlered pure schizophrenic ESP powers
if you want to get a better idea
go play
its on steam
the nonary games
>>51140961okay pedophile groomer
do you think even though vshojo and pet schizo are tussling and fighting over interpersonal drama they wouldnt put their differences aside to collectively shit own a troon who grooms kids?
some things are petty and put aside for the greater good to shit on child diddlers (You) naemuti
>>51140873>someonethe 4chan mod did. it was emmy, aka naemuti
>>51140772just see this picture
>>51141545>That poor innocent lady reads the disgusting shit we say here...NAemuti stop replying to yourself
you're not a real girl
emilia is the most common tranny name
no girl named emilia likes that fuckin name
only retarded guys think its a good girls name
hence why only troons in modern days have the name emilia
think of 1 actual female name emilia you met that wasnt a vrchat tranny
im waiting
you may be poor, but you are the OPPOSITE of innocent you are pure unadulterated EVIL
>>51141742anon... what the fuck do you know and how the fuck do you know that??? please... HOW WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?????? that is FORBIDDEN LORE UNKNOWN TO THE PUBLIC????