>>59220146> and they're dependant on the people who chose that option to make moneytrue
> they need the most people as possible to support themfalse
Even back in 2018-19 when Holos had like 1k viewers, they were still making enough money to do 3D content. This is the reason small corpos are still in business, or why Free to Play games work. There will be a few people who are ultra dedicated and support their oshi by voluntarily buying everything they can.
> you dont convince a lot of people if you dont do anything special or dont even bother streaming^ see this? This is the murican brainrot I was talking about. Always thinking MOREMOREMOREMROEMROEMROEMROERMEOREMORE MONEYMOENYEMONEYMONEYEYEYEY and then projecting those feelings onto others and getting angry on their behalf.
Donations are COMPLETELY voluntary. It's not like Patreon where almost every content is paywalled, or kickstarters where you need to see progress regularly to know whether or not your investment is worth it. 90% of streams are free content. This is not an EXCHANGE of money for content. I'll spell it out for you - V O L U N T A R Y.
> people are gonna drop membership and other forms of support.If you're one of these types that donate, sure you can always just stop paying. But I guarantee you, absolutely fucking nothing will change - you oshi's not gonna magically put out more content just because you left. In fact, this is how the majority of fans consume their content - without paying.
It's only gonna matter if you're a literal groomer who makes up more than 30% of her income - and at that point your oshi and her fanbase has far bigger problems.
And if you're NOT one of these donators, then your opinion is worthless. The relationship between a donator and the creator is between them. People have different reasons for paying, and generally don't care why others pay or not pay. It's not your place to lecture others on how they spend their money.
> inb4 the guy in the OP did just thatThe guy in the OP is getting shit on because he's just an asshole, because he dropped his oshi after she got hospitalized and literally couldn't stream, and then proceeded to project that onto the entirety of Hololive despite him not even watching that many holos.
For a counter example, see Jin Teramachi. He was a huge onigiriya and translator who publicly dropped Okayu because her content started becoming more and more lewd.
People were like "aight, cool" and it ended there. Okayu didn't change her content just for him, and still has many people watching and donating to her.
Nobody gives a shit.