Lots of people posted pics of the screen last night in Nyan's art tag. Since i normally stick to actual art here's one that wasn't just screens but some of these are really fucking good.
https://twitter.com/MerkinMcGeeXD/status/1466641372467892230 - Posted last thread, but 3 wolves Nyan
https://twitter.com/ShyThigh088/status/1466660962187059204 - Kidnapped by Nyan and Mouse
https://twitter.com/coochiebuffet/status/1466692584441475072 - I haven't watched enough Jojo to know what's going on here
https://twitter.com/ayogeeks/status/1466776115805143051 - Really good album single mockup
https://twitter.com/Winterfalke/status/1466843641297707020 - Also posted last thread, but just a really nice image period.
https://twitter.com/sajasuhudo/status/1466629138765209602 - And one more from a threads back.