>>43854460> 1. Penonton Vtuber itu-itu sajano, its expanding. cant you see? look at harris, kobo, miti, mika, all of them are example of reaching outside the ID wibu circle. Check my infographics. ID has grown from 10M subs in to 20M in Dec 2022.
>2. Semakin sulit mencapai angka CCV 100+its always been sulit. now there are more non-holo/maha5/niji vtuber with more 100+ ccv than in 2021
3. Bahkan dibeberapa ...
ini jadinya kalau biasa nonton holo kemudian pindah nonton indie 1-2view. its always been like that. Always. Not everyone should have 100s of CCV. its not a problem. there is always a vtuber with a small circle who plays around with 4-5 viewers.
A true problem is when now is worse than before. in ID, that isnt the case.
perhaps in MY or PH i dunno. ID vtuber is expanding, the viewer, the artist, the clipper, the industry as whole is expanding.