>>38957203Love is not something that simply fizzles out when it's challenged. Love persists no matter how hard it is to keep loving. If you're willing to throw it all away, throw HER away, just because a gaggle of lowlife Californians made you mad, can you really call that love? You tell me.
Screw your head back on straight already, and screw it on firmly. Remember your love and don't forget it again. It is never over until we're all dead in the dirt. You love her, right? Then stay. Keep loving and keep fighting through all the shit life pulls trying to break that love until it's over but in a positive way. There's a happy future waiting for all of us, even if this shitty site isn't a part of it. We may not know of its nature or what form it'll take right now, but it's out there. Never lose faith in tomorrow.