Sheeesh. 'Emma's punching way above her weight class. Goodness fucking gracious. The only people in the Big Five (CL, Phase, Kawaii, Tsunderia, PRISM) that get this level of CCV for regular streams on YT are Shiki and Miori.
Lumi. Misaki. I fucking KNEEL.
>>16462299>What's a subathon anyway. Explain twitch culture to me.YouTube has Members.
Twitch has Subscriptions.
The streamer streams until a certain number of subscriptions has been reached or streams for a set amount of time during which a certain amount of Subscriptions translate into certain actions.
>We have crashed subathons several times for fun when raiding from Lumi into someone else. Arypie for example had her subathon pretty much erased 20 minutes into what was planned on being a 12 hour stream because Lumi's viewerbase is heavily biased towards highly-paid professionals with loads of disposable cash.