>>30274643The tri fleet returns to Silvanus
The crowd gathers as the pinisi land in the ports and all the expedition members unload various cargo and get off board the ships they have been so accustimed to on their long voyage.
One of the captains begin to speak through a primitive looking megaphone to amplify her voice.
Hamdani: EVERYONE! Your attention please. We are the captains of the Tri-fleet and we bring news of varying degrees over to Silvanus. Enoch, I believe you should go first.
Enoch: Thank you Hamdani. I was the one to investigate /nasa/. They were friendly at first but we discovered a sinister plot that they are cannibals. My team fled and temporarily joined Hamdani until a few weeks later. It turns out that /nasa/ was terminated by schizo attacks. Good riddance to be honest, I think the last thing we need is more cannibal raiders.
Unfortunately I was not able to recover any of their cool toys. And even though we did make friends there I believe it is for the best that any remaining sanalites that find their way into our country be questioned. Any that refuse shall be geese chambered!
'Enoch then gives a brief description of the sanalites before handing the megaphone to Jayawan'
Jayawan: I was the leader who explored the nation of /who/. While tensions were rough at first, these people have a good amount to offer. It took some getting used to but they do like to have fun and they have these delicious sandwiches called burgers. Also they have what is called an "amusement park" which is it's own reason for ever revisiting there. Some of the people deeper in the countryside do not care for outsiders but there are those who liked us.
I would say that overall I had a slightly above average experience. They are definitely not like us and we had to adjust a lot but they can be reasoned with and even have a good time if you respect their ways.
Hamdani: Thank you. I know that the forest people of /uuu/ were our primary target and thus you have all been waiting for this. IT WAS A MASSIVE FUCKING SUCCESS BEYOND ALL EXPECTATIONS
LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE OF /RISU/! These forest druids as of right now surpass us in terms of natural beauty and magical power. It is our recommendation that the Tri-fleet be re launched IMMEDIATELY back to /uuu/ and there exclusively. I personally propose that We set up a permanent presence there and establish trade routes for their magical artifacts. It cannot be stated enough how powerful their shamans are and how beneficial these people can be to us.
They may be the kep to magical revelation and even an end to ALL OUTSIDE THREATS! I BELIEVE THEY WILL BE THE KEY TO NEVER BEING RAIDED BY SLAVERS EVER AGAIN!
'the crowd goes wild at this revelation.'
Hamdani: With that our report is done. We can discuss the details with the various tribal leaders later. Right now we must spread the word to all risuners that there is hope for us all and that if our plans work then we will be at the perfection of natural society. But for now...LETS PARTY EVERYONE!
'Screams and cheers as partying occurs all night in which there is a lot of drinking and A LOT of sex even for risuner standards. So much that even the foreigners stationed there are baffled if not taking part in the celebration.'