hey guys so for the last couple of months i've been focusing on indie vtubers because i am not really happy with the state of corpo vtubing atm.
there are quite a few of them i'd really recommend because they are doing a good job at treating streaming as a side activity, a hobby allowing them to hang out with people. I respect that a lot and wanted to give them a shoutout. before you ask yes i am on the spectrum but i have a job and a partner so it isn't that bad.
here's the list:
she's a ff14 raider and content creator but she also plays some jrpg and comfy farming games. very cute and cozy, however there are some streams where the interraction with the viewer is low (she's doing ultimate raids etc) still worth keeping on the twitch feed i think.
a dutch zoomer that plays nintendo games and minecraft, lots of poop jokes etc but i really like her energy, reminds me rosemi a bit just more unhinged.
i love her avatar and mascott (an owl sitting on her head it looks very cute). she plays a variety of games to chill out after work. currently playing zelda botw. very community oriented and calm, perfect stream to wind up after work.
a red panda vtuber, she plays variety (dks 3 and mario and the rabbits atm). i love her avatar and tracking, she's very gameplay focused but interracts with the chat quite a lot. good streamer if you are interested in a certain game and wish to watch someone give it a fair chance/clear it and all the side content.
another panda vtuber, her afk screen is my favorite thing ever. she's a bit of a gremlin that likes buzz lightyear voicelines and is known for that one burp clip (yes its on youtubes). very fun person that often does handcam streams and plays variety. very community focused
i think she's kinda known here what else can i say she's in better place now and worth checking out if you like jrpg centered content
>wagashi vtuber
she plays variety and streams cooking stuff, usually preparing and eating a meal. very cute, she's a jp girl wanting to learn japanese and doing her best to interract with EOP community. very community oriented, she's not the best at games but that's fine right