>>78401410Pretty sure she's straight. She clearly plays up the "oh nooo he/she's HOT" for the camera, but she keeps everything pretty professional and compartmentalized, so unless she told us directly, we'd never know anything about her tastes. Also the porn she used to commission of herself was absolutely CAKED in cum, so there's that. Like put the cake in bukkake.
She absolutely used to be a furry, though, (I blame warrior cats) and still has contacts/keeps up with artists in those circles. (Just look at the other stuff the crow modeler does.)
She used to represent herself as the bird in picrel, which is why she kept going "IT'S MEEEEEE" whenever she saw that bird guy in Indigo Park. It actually does resemble that old character.
My personal interpretation and what I think would be the funniest is that she's way too busy for porn, so she just gets the most hyperstimulating shit she can grab and finishes quickly so she's clear headed in minutes and able to get back to work.
Doki/Mint's female audience reminds me a lot of when I found out how over a third of Marine's audience is actually girls. I guess that's what happens when you're interesting enough to appeal to everybody.