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there is one thing that is more important for a vtuber to do than literally any other possible thing, when it comes to building and maintaining good will; they have to stream. if they aren't streaming, good will plummets and people's patience and willingness to forgive any perceived yabs or generally unpopular moves wears razor thin. fans invest some mix and amount of their money, time, energy, and their overall emotional state into supporting a vtuber, and if a vtuber isn't streaming, they're not repaying that with entertainment, affection, comfort, ejaculation, background noise, whatever form of content they lean on. when that happens, people gradually start feeling a variety of different emotions depending on the situation and person, and not one of those emotions is good.
>is this more important to her than streaming?
>does she even like streaming or her fans?
>is her reason for not streaming even real?
>is her situation really that grave?
these kinds of brainworms start eating at people and whatever negative emotions build and build. the given reason for why someone isn't streaming can play a part in how it's all received, but even very good reasons can only do so much lifting in that regard. either way, this build up of negative emotions basically turns fans into tinderboxes that are waiting to explode into fire the second a spark goes off. some people will start getting upset way sooner and/or harder than others, and obviously not all fans are like this and some will go full hachiko forever regardless of everything, or are just casual whore fans that don't care, but this applies to most gachikoi at least, I think. there's also the problem of outside observers. obviously circumstances matter, but without any kind of sunk cost they're much more likely to start disrespecting the non-streaming vtuber and the fans willing to put up with them, generally making things worse when like threadshitters start egging on the brainworms. some fans/schizos also break and flip anti just from waiting and do the same shit but usually worse, because of active spite and/or the compulsion to proselytize other fans.
this is something that has really plagued idol. think of the obvious yuko and pochi situations and how they made things worse by ghosting fans. menace being treated worse than any other PL here because unlike the others that PLfag, she doesn't stream as coni, the issue of not streaming overlapping with the separate issue of identity favoritism. that discussion people had the other day about roca during the PL collab. speaking personally, my experience with dropping enya over something I likely would have been fine ignoring because, well, the whole thing was compounded by the not streaming (as enya) thing. I admit I've also been disproportionately annoyed with fuyo at a couple points because of the yoyo scheduling she had going on there for a while, like when she came back and then immediately went on vacation and then the graduation was announced and her confusing stream about it happened. then obviously momo now, with her not streaming for most of a year even though she was seemingly capable of doing so, just to commit the /jidf/ specific faux pas of becoming not-loli. I guarantee the reaction would be a less severe otherwise because people would be more inclined to be nice towards her (I won't brush it off as just seamonkeys), and I know that momo has to be VERY careful with how she presents and explains herself on her redebut, lest she actually piss people off.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY, please any vtubers reading, internalize this, because a surprising number seem to not get it. a lot of problems become way smaller or go away completely if you just stream. you don't have to stream every day, you don't have to stream all day, you don't even have to be high energy high effort when you do stream (avoid overt vague doomposting though, that's a separate autismwall issue), it can even just be a 5 minute twitter space, just show you care and don't leave your fans to their own devices for weeks or months and set up a potential disaster for yourself. some fags may whine it's not enough, but at the end of the day your fans just want to watch you stream, and even just a little counts for far more than nothing at all. other forms of communication can kind of suffice for a bit, assuming it's actual communication and not whatever momo's been doing, but just stream. I know you may have your own brainworms or have already trapped yourself in a yab waiting to explode situation, but just fucking stream before it gets even worse. just DO IT. and if you really, truly can't, or refuse to, please just try to avoid stepping on obvious rakes in the mean time.
it's something I've thought a lot about since going through introspection on how I reacted to the enya thing, and the momo thing got me thinking about it again. anyway thanks for reading/skipping, goodnight jewbros and the schizo who will probably reply 5 times.