>>6221668her antis are literally just schizo's who believe in retarded rrats and repeat the same shit over and over until other retards believe it
Miki's literally an introvert with awful communication skills and the fact that she was this successful is nothing short of a miracle
if she never had the
Miki.ch and realistically began her vtuber career with Tsunderia from the beginning she would've graduated still just not as soon, since she wasn't very sociable with her gen mates eventually they would've just broken off and Kallin and Yuuna would've still ended up as a duo, with Meru self destructing over time due to the weed addiction
regardless, something about her Miki channel made her successful, don't really know what, since she didn't really have clippers or anything, but she always had the numbers
in the end she gave up after seeing stagnation on Miki's channel and probably got burnt out from having to deal with Ria as well