>>37563737Not that okayu poster, maybe this will hit a bit closer to the mark.
You wont change after abandoning them. Whatever promises you make to yourself to start over and work hard to make yourself different wont come true. You'll procrastinate with something new. Eventually you'll probably come crawling back to them if that new source of procrastination isn't good enough, with a made up explanation that befits the situation. Maybe they fall for it once but eventually they get what you're doing. Maybe you'll feel good about the attention since they're curious about where you went, but afterwards they'll go back to ignoring you when their curiosity is satisfied. You're still a let down, nothing has changed.
You can't rely on other people to just randomly change and suddenly care for you. Either you become the person that interests them, or you don't. Abandoning them wont change the fact that you are incapable of becoming someone they care for.
I'd leave you with three options:
Abandon them and look for other people with different standards, but live with the memory of inadequacy.
Deceive yourself so the roadblock that stops you from improving changes shape. Maybe you lack the grit, maybe you hate studying, maybe the world itself is transpiring against you, who knows you didn't say. This can manifest in many ways. You've probably tried the normal advice like pomodoros or calenders so you'll need more extremes. Maybe you need a keeper to keep tabs on your progress because the only thing in the world that can get you to not procrastinate is letting someone down. Maybe a change of scenery is required to truly understand your situation, leave everything in your home and go homeless for a week if your job allows it. Try out the insane and see if something helps if the normal doesn't.
Stay as is, humans adapt well enough, it's not like you'll die of stress (in the short term) like that other anon was discussing. Die unsatisfied whether it be 5 years or 60 years. Not like you'd be in the minority if you died unhappy.