>>50940381Never seen that animatic before (and all the others recommended next to it), thank you, felt that one moment in my own eye, ouch. Beautiful artstyle too. Now I have insane desire to replay the game again but it's still to fresh in my memory... Maybe in a few more years.
The extras and ng+ are definitely worth it, especially ng+ with the revelation mode, hope you have fun with it once you get to them! And I don't necessarily hate the content of the ending (we are definitely a minority with that opinion) I do think the pacing suffers a lot, criminally, during the last part, it's too fast and really heavy infodumping wise at the same time somehow, they are trying to answer every question but also tie up every loose end as fast as possible and it just left me feeling weird for a while. I don't mind the 'main bad guy' or the other things plot wise that much, I was kind of expecting it, the novel always had a goofy silly mood to it even with all the murders. And I greatly enjoy Rikako. It's mostly the pacing. Also Fuucjan would probably cum at the promise twist if he wouldn't catch it (I didn't). The world would be such a beautiful place without perms for streaming...