>>56422935since you listed it does shackles actually negates enemy buffs from halu? from the few 34mins screenshots i see none of them uses it
for items there is breastplate its 25% damage reduction and 1 speed lvlup almost negates the downside completely, you can remove it in levelup screen after taking it too since upgrading it only increases %chance to reflect damage
i was told sausage+BL collab is good for yagoos but haven't tested it yet
>at the yagoo stage do I just need to have been stacking movespeed or do I need to do something specific to facetank?if the map loops like stage 1 and 2 you want fuckton of movespeed then just keep running either left or right
if map is limited like stage 3 and 4 then you want to prioritize facetank with some movespeed