English Only Chad.
Nip is a shit-tier language made by a pack of island retards and 1/3 stolen from chink. Nobody should ever have to read it, or speak it and we should have never nuked them, instead we should have just proceeded with Operation Downfall and genocided every filthy nip on the islands. Then we should should have used the nukes on the pinko stinko chinkos. Furthermore, I don't need to speak any other language, you NEED to speak English. To do commerce, to do business, to have a military, to negotiate with real countries (not fake psudo-American vassel-states that are dying because the people refuse to breed) to exist in this world, you MUST know my language. It is mandatory. But other, lesser languages? Japanese? Russian? Chinese? Spanish? Italian? F*ench? Indonesian? Nobody needs them. It's nobody's lingua franca. Only English. Cope, seethe, mald, sneed, and dilate.