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Teamates. Gators.
We've been through a lot together. I've been here since the very beginning and I remember all of the ups and downs, all of the insanity and sadness and happiness and joy that we've been through. I think it'd be a shame to let it slip by without saying goodbye properly.
Thanks to Ame, I got into a lot of good music. She taught me about so many things I'd never heard before, but the one song I'd never heard before that really touched me was Kiss Me. Every time she sung it it'd be a moment of magic. So to that end, I taught myself how to play it on the guitar.
That's why I feel inspired right now to begin an initiative - I dunno how many of you guys will be on board, but I'd like to do an "/awat/ sings", or maybe even just a straight /vt/ sings Kiss Me. And while Chiku Taku is definitely Ame's song, Kiss Me I feel will always be the first real song I'll always associate with her.