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Coco, Risu, Towa, Kiara, anyone who might be hanging around, I beg you: Please explain the meaning and context of "HAG" to JP Hololive.
I don't want to think one of them would accidentally come here, see us talking about hags, and assume we were badmouthing them.
I don't know if I should post this here, Reddit, in a Superchat, or wherever. Just please clear this up before someone takes this term of pure love and misunderstands.
I'm always worried Flare, Mio, or Marine will take it the wrong way and see it as a sarcastic term.
The functional meaning of it is this: An adorable, whole, stable woman with the aspect of that out-of-reach first love.
That woman who was graduating from High School when you were just entering Middle School.
That mindful woman of diverse interests and gentle disposition.
The one who enjoyed the fads and trends you loved when you were too young to participate.
The woman who stands as a memory of the better days.
The woman who was, in your eyes, perfect, but too far ahead to reach. The passive youth can now reach her.
That's the real meaning of "HAG" here. Please help us get this message to them.
ココさん、リスさん、トワさん、キアラさん、彷徨いそうな方、どうぞ。 「HAG」の意味と文脈をJPホロライブに説明してください。
フレアやミオ、マリン が皮肉を込めた言葉と勘違いしないか、いつも心配しています。
それがここでの "HAG "の本当の意味なのです。どうか、このメッセージを彼らに伝えてください。