>>22866124She was bored shitless of Apex even BEFORE joining Hololive, because she associates grinding Apex mindlessly with a depressing era of her life. She also thought ranked worked differently than it does; with ranking decaying effectively every 6 weeks it would mean she would have to grind like 2-3 weeks straight just to get a decent placement only to have to do it again a few months later, and she definitely prefers more varied streams. Even people like Roboco and Aqua don't grind ranked every season. She also never said she was an FPS pro, just that she enjoyed them, and she's good enough to regularly carry in OW/Apex collabs, and beat Doom Eternal on ultra-violence. Anyways here's a clip of her Apex plays, she's definitely not Master/Predator tier, but a solid Platinum and maybe low Diamond if she applied herself. Just go watch Selen or something instead.