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Yesterday, at prime mutt hours, I posted a fake screenshot of Eimi's "upcoming Palworld gorilla marathon stream", expecting maybe few people to believe it and the rest of us to have a good laugh at them. Since it was fake, it was not visible on her channel. People concluded it must be a membership stream. It was obviously not visible to members either, but only few of them wondered how they still cannot it. Despite of this clear discrepancy, they were still not confident enough to actually call me out for my bullshit. This morning I decided to check the thread that came afterwards and the consensus seemed to be that fishman forced Eimi to cancel the stream so that she doesn't overlap and steal the views from the homolive collab. Amazing. You faggots always claim that you are the ones financing vtubers and that europoors don't spend money, but none of you fags noticed the clearly fake bullshit I posted. Absolutely. Fucking. Disgusting. This concludes my report.