>>36209694>>36209910I'd say it goes like this. Like that second post was getting at, Pippa and Capipis are on a completely different level of parasocial. Not necessarily a higher one, but incomparable to the rest all the same. One born, I think, from wanting, more than anything, to see the other party improve and be happier, and this is genuine.
While Pippa's persona has seen changes over the years this is something you can see examples of time and time again, where she encourages, understands and comforts those of us who struggle to keep moving forward, where she experiences a moment of happiness and instantly turns to help others experience it too.
Capipis show intense pride in their oshi's achievements and growth - to the point that you can even find them sperging about her in the chats of random 2views , like proud fathers shoving pictures of their daughter under their co-workers noses - and show dismay and concern at her bad habits and backsliding.
More than anything, we accept eachother. She has her issues, at this point we're all aware of them, and we have ours. Despite them she accepts us as we are, and despite them we accept her as she is. As long as there's an honest drive to be better the rest can be overlooked.
We love her and she loves us. I am absolutely certain of that.