Alright fellas, 2024 version of the Hard Archive is now up.'s new:
- 338 new hard copies created.
- Modified some of the title/tag reformatting rules so they should maintain some special characters that were stripped before.
- Added parsers for Warosu, and Github
- New index, "!WG - Hard Archive Lost and Found.html" lists stories that are present in the Hard Archive, but no longer in the live archive maintained on Rentry.
Note that because the program looks for missing URLs from the previous archive (10-2023) against the latest run, it might include duplicates if a fic has been rehosted or the URL was modified, so it might not be 100% accurate. 77 entries on there as of now.
As usual, the error.log and rejectedurls.csv should give a glimpse on stories that are either 404 or can't be parsed by the program.