>>90733483Fine, I'll do it anyway
It has lots of nuances, which is like cooties for the sisters, but I'll try my best. I'm sure c:ips of this stream are coming soon.
And no, there's not realy any big secret here. Just Miko venting a bit about what's been on her mind.
About the current viral JP rrat that Holos are millionaires (in USD)
This shit is fake news btw. The Twitter antis read Cover's financial report and mistook Revenue for Profit
>I think talking about money is always hard, but here let me try>I think that if you do this job, you can't go back to normal,>or rather, you can't live in society anymore>I think that's why I'm just burning, burning too much>I'm scared, I'll work hard so I don't have to work anymore (in the future)>I want to increase my savings>Honestly, yes, this is going to be a flaming story>When it becomes internet news, they will use this streamOnto the meat of the talk:
>At first, there was news that [Chloe] is ending her streaming activities, or from the way I see it, I think it's the same as graduating.>And then, shortly after that, Fauna announced her graduation, and everyone, including the listeners of Hololive, was pretty shocked.>The fans, including the real fans, were really surprised, too. It was quite sudden.>That's right, I was really surprised too. I didn't know anything.>I've heard so many people talking about their anxiety on social networking sites.>But then, they started to make great leaps in logic.>It's getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and people are saying that this or that might all be the same reason>Year by year... I think everyone can see...>You guys MIGHT think that the Hololive that you're seeing is probably undergoing some kind of major internal reform. That there MUST HAVE BEEN a big internal reform and a lot of things have changed.>And that they (Chloe and Fauna) could not agree with the new policies, so MAYBE they chose to leave.>But that's NOT the case. There's been no big change>it's just that every year, Hololive has been getting bigger, so it's been changing a lot, slowly.>The work content and amount of work are also increasing.>I think I'm getting busier and busier every year.>I've never gone to the studio this often before>I do think it's important to have more work and more exposure because it means that Hololive is getting bigger, and that's a good thing.>But I think it's also hard to keep up with the changes.>Yes, for better or worse, we are still in the process of development.>It's hard work and there were failures too.>With the management, for me it's like this.>When I take more jobs than I can do, it's usually because of me, accepting too much.>f I accept a job, I can't say no afterward. It almost becomes the company's responsibility then.>As I see it, It's not just me, it's the people behind me, the staff, etc., etc., and when I take that job, It's like I have to carry the company on my shoulders.>When I take a job I don't like, it's like half of my mental energy is already gone.>They do let you make your own choices. No matter how good the job is.>Sometimes I feel obligated to pick jobs that I'm not used to. For those, I just gritted my teeth through it.>You know, I've realized over the past few days that even when you're doing what you love, there are hard times that are really hard>Back in the Liar's Bar stream, honestly I felt like something was off>That's why I wanted to do another stream, this stream, to talk with everyone>You know, before I was always asked by management: "What do you want to do?">But they never suggested what I should do. It was all up to me.>And honestly, it was really hard.>These days they've been suggesting things more often to meOn the manager thing:
>I wish they'd assign me my own manager soon>That's true, we haven't gotten to that point yet>here are plenty of cases where one manager has three talents, so it would be nice if there were more people>That's quite difficult to say, but it's the same for other companies>Of course there's no gaurantee that a manager and a Holo would click with each other.>Some Holomems changed managers.>But no, unless other Holomems talk to me, I don't know if their managers are oding anything differently to ours>I really love this place>It's really saved me, and I've been able to do a lot of things because I joined>It's the same for my private life, like buying a house for my mom>I've been able to build a grave for my grandpa, and things like that