>>94367807 (me)>>94368129Okay, so I just spoke with my father (doctor)...
When I mentioned that Gura's heartrate was around 141 and hit 129 at the lowest for an hour and forty minute period during the Liar's Bar stream, he got really serious and said "oh, that's not good, nothing normal about that at all." I also mentioned there were other times that it could drop as low as 40. He then proceeded to list a bunch of possible conditions, most of which I couldn't really catch because medical jargon, but from what I could process seem to be mostly those listed here:
https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tachycardia/symptoms-causes/syc-20355127. I think he said afib in particular could explain the wide range
he himself got down to 30 the first time he entered afib a few years back. He also mentioned anxiety, which I of course confirmed she definitely has, and when I told him she was small enough to get confused for a little girl at the airport he also suggested severe hyperthyroidism as another possible cause.
He recommended she immediately go to the ER and get an EKG just to *start* and that she would require constant checkups for a long time afterwards, because otherwise she could have a heart attack and fucking drop dead at any moment. My guess would be that's what she was doing during the initial health break a few years back.
Jesus Christ. Explains why she's even wearing the heartrate monitor in the first place, the fainting, the falling, the absences...
Gura, on the off-chance this post reaches you somehow, I can only assume you're already receiving quality medical care - but if you haven't gone to the ER and gotten checked out since Liar's Bar, especially if your heartrate's still as high as it was, drop everything and go to the ER IMMEDIATELY. The outfit reveal can wait for another time.