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Schizo blogpost to follow, please don't bother reading and just hide it if you've taken meds in the last 72 hours. I just wanna get feelings off my chest and share them with the few fellow sadfucks who echo them.
This has made me come to realize that I don't actually care that much about "Hololive." Not that I dislike any of the girls, just... I really cared about them in terms of "who are they to Mumei." The relationships and friendships she was building. Like they were supporting characters in her story, and it was her story I was invested in. Now that that's seemingly on hold for who knows how long, I find myself not really concerned about festivals and the like.
I've got that parental feeling of "I'm not mad, and I don't love you any less, but I'm disappointed" with her. I would never have expected this IRL vagueposting nonsense from my oshi. She's always been so communicative. "Mumei loev streaming" was a frequent post for so long. She'd hang on for hours after a stream was supposed to end just to chat with us. I don't doubt that she's doing this for a good reason, but not knowing anything about it hurts me, because it doesn't feel like her.
I'm happy that she's doing well. I'll love her forever. But while I'll joyfully come back when and if she returns to form, I'm not gonna call myself a hooman for this period, because I can't keep hanging on the line indefinitely. It hurts. Whatever comes next, this is it for me in /who/ for a long while. Thank you all for being one of the best fanbases I've ever been part of. You autismos have made loving Mumei even more fun than it would have been otherwise, and that's saying something. I'll be cheering you on in divegrass, too.
Owl Love, now and forever. See you, space cowlboys.