>>43552902dunno what to tell you.
>HLL31+Counterfeit+Grapefruit at 0.35also not entirely sure what that means. if you mean you did HLL31 + (Coutnerfeit - Grapefruit) AD 0.35...uh, that's certainly interesting. I wouldn't expect it to work very well...
>Counterfeit + (HLL31 - NAI NSFW) AD 1.0 = A>WS0.35 mix with that Counterfeit mix as A and GrapefruitJuice as BBeats me. If you're going to play with putting more Counterfeit into something, I'd start with AOM3/hll31 instead of GrapefruitJucie, since AOM3 has Counterfeit in it and is a block merge. Seems to have less of the text encoder weirdness that Counterfeit does.
>>43553138oh, what he said
>>43553036I already did