>>4420226>Kano found a a rival to the PC she's had her eye on for a whileAcktchually... The PC she had her eyes on got a price hike- up from around 35k yen to 50k yen. So she found alternatives.
She posted 2 models:
> PC A: i9-10900k. GeForceRTX 3070, 32GB RAM, SSD 1TB, HD 4TB, Power Supply 800W - Price 30k yen.>PC B: i9-11900k, GeForceRTX 3070, 32GB RAM, SSD 1TB, HD 4TB, 800W - Price 32k yen.As people said on chat, for a 2k yen price difference, she should go with PC-B as it has a stronger CPU and could just upgrade the GPU later. But, if she has the money for PC-A right now and needs to save more money for the other one, just buy it now before the prices go up.