There isn't a specific post I want to tag for this complaint that I want to get off my chest, but there should be capped dividends. If the game consistently had increasing dividends or no way of overall controlling them, they are functionally the controlling method of players having liquid, vastly more so than any adjustment cap, so they should and have to be capped, as for what this cap is? That's a topic of it's own, but I don't think it's as big of a worry as making dividends more volatile as the predictability of them makes them a lot less interesting, it's why people were so desperate on trying to find the best deals back then, because it was more wild due to the metric of it using market mean making them inherently more volatile, so it's something that should be considered, more so than removing the cap or adjusting it first.
>>24859638Largely agree with this post, I think it's at least a newer metric that can accurately reflect channels as they are and better reward constant performers that may not be accurately reflected as a result of how dividends are produced.
However, it's always worth noting that this change won't revamp or completely shake up the entire game, unless the power of this metric is very strong, but I think it's a nice change overall, even if it doesn't fix the game, which it was never trying to do.
And also forces you to change your strategies/metacoins ever so slightly, which is nicer from the staleness it has been.>>24879227I'll reemphasize one point you made throughout these posts of financial instruments being needed, but I'll also just highlight how that there is not a solid idea of how these should be implemented. I've long thought on them, and the only thing I can think of is essentially "betting" on whether a coin will go down or up days in advance, at least forcing you to pay attention to schedules or when big streams will happen, but when it's birthdays or anniversaries, it's essentially mandatory and depends largely on how the share-player interaction is, being player to player, or player-broker, as if it's player-broker, it turns into just free money essentially.
As for the rest of your post, I have nothing to say, there's not really anything should be critiqued specifically.