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I've been wondering for a while why she chose a time travel plot in particular. It's been fun so far, but I don't know how she could keep it relevant for the rest of "August" apart from what she's already done. I know she could've just chosen it spur-of-the-moment as she usually does, but she gave the impression that she planned a bit further in advance this time. And considering she had nearly a month to think about the previous arc and what she wants to do going forward, I'd be surprised if she really only came back with a general idea.
This break might explain what her idea was. I see a few possibilities:
>It's setting up more time travel shenanigans in the future
When she gets back from the break, she'll pretend that she never left. She'll act confused when people ask where she went, reference streams that haven't happened, and maybe even act a bit differently. Then sometime in the future she'll go back in time again and we'll see what she was doing during the break.
>The arc is just a decoy to fuck with us and the time travel is what makes it work
She thinks it's funny that people worry so much about her whenever she goes silent which it is. And when will people least expect her to take a break? In the middle of an arc, after just getting back from a break a week before. But she isn't so cruel that she'd ruin the story just to mess with us, so she chose a gimmick that would make it easy to explain a lapse in time.
>She wasn't planning on taking a break, she just doesn't like how the arc is going
Maybe she realized she didn't have enough ideas to make it work, or maybe she did have an in-depth plan and she wasn't able to adapt to things that messed it up (rainbow noodles getting canned, doujin contest getting canned, other shit behind the scenes we don't know about). As for possible reasons why she isn't tweeting:
She's blaming herself for the problems and can't bring herself to tell us
>>She doesn't want her words to be misconstrued
What usually happens when something goes wrong with her with no concrete explanation? People assume management is to blame. Those assumptions might not have been wrong in the past, but if they would be this time then it makes sense that she wouldn't want us to blame the wrong people. If she did have to take a break for official reasons then Cover would want her to tweet about it, so not tweeting about it lets people know that it's her own decision. Case in point, the number of people in these threads trying to connect Cover to the break have been shockingly low.