Good evening /vtai/
Still wagemaxxing, but I thought I'd pop in and at least say hello to those I know are active around this time, felt wrong not to.
>>44470259Good morning FubuMio poster, How is your day going so far? I'm loving the sleepy wink on Fubuki in this picture, always kino stuff.
>>44472094Hello Succbro converted to Islam, already this far in the project? it's definitely been going fast. Really liking the RTX on/off comparisons, it's so cool to be able to see the same concepts executed differently.
Today, since I'm not in a position to proompt myself, I'd like to request
>>44468479 Holos dressed up as Ryan Goslings character from Drive, big focus being on the jacket and gloves. Bonus points if they are driving and/or looking cool.