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Today has been a rough few rounds of scrims. And that's ok. It's already been mentioned, but times like this are needed sometimes, they hurt, they hurt a lot in the moment, but it's a necessity and helps in the longrun. Axel, you are strong and I know tonight will become something that you'll eat and use to make yourself stronger. I heard it in you already, and I want to applaud you. Shaking off the earlier games to push through. You've continued to fight for TSB and act as an IGL to provide Selen or leader with directions, information, or plays. Along side taking time to go over the last plays and what could be done better. I love this guy man, I've seen him improve and evolve as a player; his aim, his leadership, his zone skills, his calls. The Axel from the first days of unofficial customs is a total different man from today's Axel. And honestly? He's change a bit emotionally as well- positively. His experience as an IGL up to this point have guided him well, and I'd once again want to extend gratitude to everyone who helped Axel thus far. He's grown stronger, and will continue to do so. I'm, and so many other axelotls, are so very proud of how far Axel's come- it's really amazing for just a month's worth of practice and training. Your dedication to the game and leading TSB to glory is not in vain, and never will be. You've been amazing and beloved. TSB will be remembered fondly. I love you and I love TSB! You're an amazing guy Axel! It's not over yet!!! I know you have it in you!!! I wish you luck going forwards and I'll be cheering you on!