>>1170490Oh, I wish I was in your position. So naïve and mentally young. Not to talk shit here, that's ain't the intention, but I've been around here probably longer than you, perhaps even before you were born. I must have spoken with millions of people, in dozens of boards. Dealt with a lot of bullshit that made me say "shit, that's the top. It ain't getting worse than that". Spoiler alert: I am always wrong. Somehow the autism spectrum manages to rise the bar little by little every year. Guess genetics are getting stronger or something.
We still have this asshole who keeps posting the same series of posts every time somebody posts a pony, or hides one in the picture's hash. He even developed an algorithm and everything to keep track of it all: size, pixelation, graduation of each color of the image.
Barneyfag has been around for 10 years doing this shit. And he's still going. From the looks of it, this board is this one faggot amped up to eleven. Get it through your head sooner than later: things just get worse from here on out. The sooner you do it, the faster it'll stop creeping on you.
That's the only teaching I can give you for browsing this site. The more years you spend this hell hole, the more humanity you lose, and the more dull and irrelevant things will get. Once long enough, you'll just be laughing at people getting beheaded, or animals getting dismembered, because at that point you realize: nothing makes sense on this fucking life. But hey, I ain't no depressed faggot. I can live through the fact that I found funny somebody else's misfortune. That's this website for you.
There's a reason why we say you're here forever. Welcome aboard.