"Oh yeah I would have loved to have spent more time with you and played ark with you"
"Oh if that's true than say you promise that you will play ark with the other hololive members"
>dead air while she thinks of a way out of this "Looks like we're playing ark everybody"
This is the reasons why we hate Gura. 2 months later and she has shown no effort to even try to play ark and just wanted to act like she cared about coco but when it comes to doing something as simple as playing a game then you can see tries to weasel her way out of it so she "didn't technically promise". If she really cares as much as she wants us to think then following through on the final wish of someone "she looked up to greatly" shouldn't be something she would forget about as soon as coco left.
This isn't even to go into the fact that she over slept because she didn't give enough of a shit to show up when she was supposed to and had to film later
Gura is someone that would just say what is the most convenient thing in the moment and hope that the problem goes away so she can just put in the least amount of effort like always.
She obviously doesn't care about anyone from hololive, especially her seniors, and thinks that because she is the most subscribed she doesn't have to learn Japanese or respect the ones that paved the road for her to walk on.
Inb4 calling me a rrat and ignoring every point made