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/meat/ poll results
- Most users are in their 20s. 88% male and 12% female. 50% are from North America, the rest are mostly from Europe and Asia.
- 40% of users never post. Only 12% post often.
- 50% don't understand any Japanese, another half understands a bit. Only a single person said they were fluent.
- 50% like both ryona and guro. 30% only likes ryona.
- Interest is mostly non-sexual for 50% and mostly sexual for 30%.
- The most popular vtubers are Akira and Comma, with over 75% of users following them. Mai, AwA, Minori and Kyuusai are also popular.
- Almost everyone also follows non-ryona vtubers, especially Japanese ones. However, interest in popular vtubers is low. The most followed "popular" vtuber is Korone.