>>88363498>>88363412Justice newfags detected
misgendering schizos, calling out their goals and bullying them out the thread actually works
anons have already figured this out multiple times, such as back in March when he fucked off simply after anons pointed this out again (because he was still seething about being called Baeschizo since at least JULY)
schizos always run away or melt down as soon as you unmask them
you can scrounge through the archives if you really don't believe me but >we always go through these cycles of people forgetting/not knowing about the usual schizo's bullshit and how to respond to it for months whenever there are newfags getting baited until this gets pointed out
he's been seething and cycling through various tactics for over 3 years now btw, ignoring him doesn't work cause he'll just keep changing tactics until something sticks and baits newfags/encourages others to shitpost too
the only tried and tested method is just to call him out and bully him relentlessly and to keep reminding anons that >we have done this all before