>>96109650kara "zatsu" setlist
>>everlong>my wifi is going orange...>i like to sing when i feel stressed, it's a form of venting>wanna learn some new songs>this is a song i havent sang in YEARS>>toxic>fuck... baby>wait, rewind!>they played this TWICE at work >>kokomo>i want to have a wife to fuck on a beach>i want to have a wife...>i... want...someone... in my life...>>mambo #5>a little bit of monica in my life>a little bit of moica a little bit of monica>it's just all monicas (DDLC) >>96104110if had a hemipenis for eve(ry
>>livin' la vida loca >>sexbomb (an attempt)>i think this might be it for tonight>i cant sing this under this roof>guys im sorry>like, i wanted to talk>then had a brain reset and wanted to sing>so we/re going with whatever>>man! i feel like a woman>she's saying boy wear short skirts, she's a tomboy..>next outfit i get short hairtomboy battle maid Kara real?
>>dont go breaking my heart>please miss me>>cant take my eyes off you >i wish i had a pretty baby i could sing this to...>>every breath you take>how the tables have turned>watchcest? watchception?>great zatsu right guys?>>losing my religion>try to not read too much into it>>house of the rising sun>>nothing else matters >beaver cared >my mom would never let me have a phone>or rather, she would but she'd smash them >i had a hello kitty version of some samsung phone and she threw it away>then i swore off pink forever>>breakin' dishes (acappela)>i used to sing this on singstar (PS2)>i took all my PS2 accessories to these two lesbians house and they fucking stole my shit cause they broke up>>umbrella>>made up polish song from the devil, acappella>>rises the moon, for the marshmallow man>>why do you sound american?>was raised in Ireland during my teens, in a port city, very diverse friends, including a welsh/french girl, i was reading a lot, i watched a lot of pewdiepie and jackspedicie so i pucked up that accent, Irish accent only comes out when im angry>probaby cause american media was so predominent, i cant remember watching Irish media>*yawns*>sound asleeeeeeep~ ...i freaking love that song>i could hear my father approaching, i have been told to quiet down>that's the end of the karaoke for tonightback to zatsu
>ran out of Chrischan podcasts, school boy 9, TempleOS, SCPs (Kara likes 682 the croc one)>*giggle fit* just got a notification, Ayu commented on my noodles picture:>>kara... where's the buldak...>i responded "im white" ...i just cant handle the spice... makes my mouth hurt...>loli Kara looked "so fucking cute bro, she was a fucking looker" with her long golden brown hair, blue eyes and a very nice tan (presumably all over)>current Kara's legs and arms dont match her torso thanks to her Adam Sandler fitANOTHER ONE
>>world is mine (a capella)>*makes Weird Adam Sandler pet the croc SCP* ...okay i think im gonna go now *still laughing about it*>thank you guyss so much for watching *big yawn* im so sleeepy ... im just gonna lie down and die than you guys so much for watching thaanks for hanging out with me >hope we'll get to see each other again tomorrow for skyrim>Wani is ganking up on me with Ayu... it's fine.. it's okay... i'll eat both the sauce packets....>thanks for watching guys, this week has been terrible but im glad i had 2 opportunities to stream at least... hopefully next week is a little bit better... streaming tomorrow but on sunday i need a break>will try to make a schedule for next week, maybe just FRI-SUN>thank you guys for watching expecting to see you tomorrow might start a little early who knows ok kampers goodniiiight goodnight buhbyyyye goodnight buhbyebye buhbyebuhbyebye goodnight goodniiight buhbyeeee buhbye goodnight byebye goodniiight buhbuhbye goodnight goodnight goodnight byebye okay buhbye>mmmwaaaaaah>buhbyebuhbyebye byyyyyyye>>kokomo (acapella)