>>90163249One, doing menial work, service, or office work is completely different from talking daily for 3, 4 hours straight without much interruption. Even teachers have less stressful job compared to average chuba which has to yap constantly, without gaps. You might do it for a week, but more than that, you are risking your voice. It's damn muscle, you don't do bench reps for three hours whole week without breaks. No athlete does that.
Two, too much content will stress out the most loyal fanbase which will still try to catch everything and treat it like a job to watch everything. Everyone burns out.
Three, it's better to have better quality streams than galore of shitty ones one after another.
Four, chubas usually do other stuff like recording songs, networking or researching. It really doesn't have to be a wasted time, and depending on chuba, you know if they laze around or not.