Decided to cut out the Takamori question from the catbox file that was shared here
Shorter Vocaroo of just the Question:, I tried to transcribe it below
>Question:I've been watching you guys for the past several years and your Dynamic has definitely changed over the years like it's still really great but how do you guys feel it's different from years ago when y'all first started versus now>Kiara:I think it changed a lot like>Yeah, we've been through some things I it's not that not that serious um>I think we're now like really just like vibing with each other like right cuz we've we've been through this and we realized like how similar we are to each other and you know how the things we experience are after all the same very similar things and you know working hard together um made us appreciate each other more as well I think what do you think Calli?>Mori:I feel like it's as simple as we also just didn't really know each other super well you know that's just the the straightforward answers that like we just kind of didn't know each other. But you know once we got to know each other more andmore in this iteration I guess everything is everything is chill and also I learned a lot about being a professional as well that also changed how I interact with everybody so yeah>Kiara again: When I joined Hololive I was in Japan, now I'm in Austria but in the beginning of my time in Hololive I was in Japan and um only me and Calli were there at the time the other girls were sprinkled across the globe so we were actually able to like meet in person um even before our debut and so I do think that like I kind of like clinged on to you. I was just happy to have someone to like actually like interact with on a personal level too and like hang out and have dinner and and all that stuff together so having that connection for me was super special which is why I personally you know to me takamori was just like my my mental Support. >Yeah my rock you're we my my rock so sorry if I was like really clingy back in the day but it came from that you know, having you um there as the only one and >and I'm not saying that you know it could have been any other person, that's also not the point, you know>I think it was meant to be and um I'm glad that we came all this way so far from our journey and now we can connect on on a really really um personal level more than ever yeah