>>10097222As a caveat to the following explanation I am just going to be talking about Chronicles of Darkness rules, old World of Darkness handles some stuff differently as does nWoD 1e. Calli might change the rules to accommodate that but that's impossible to say.
It works exactly the same as normal damage rules, which you can read the attached for. The difference supernaturals have is they can alter which sources are treated as which damage type. Nothing changes about how you add that damage to their sheet though, you track it exactly the same way. So if you take Bashing you add Bashing to your sheet, and if your sheet is full of Bashing you upgrade to Lethal, etc. etc. Outside of rare instances full Aggravated means death. They also usually take Wound Penalties the same as mortals do, but that's not always the case. Supernatural templates also tend not to fuck around with Health totals very often either, you're always looking at around 6-10 Health on average. They might provide powers that increase them but rarely anything universal, any singular Vampire could have a a good bit more Health but Vampires by default calculate it the same as a moral.
Vampires treat mundane weapons as Bashing, so while a knife or gun would do Lethal to a mortal it just does Bashing to a Vampire. Vampires are also not at risk of falling unconscious when their Health track is filled with Bashing, and when it's filled with Lethal they don't bleed out but enter Torpor. Torpor is magic vampire sleepy time. Fill it with Aggravated and they meet the Final Death. It's not all damage reductions though, they've got the great banes to deal with (Sunlight, Fire, stake in the heart). Fire deals Aggravated damage, and prompts frenzy, to Vampires while it only does Lethal to mortals. Similarly sunlight is harmful to them while it doesn't do anything to mortals. They also don't regenerate Health naturally and have to spend Vitae to do it, although it's much quicker than a mortal heals and can regrow lost bits.
For Werewolves they have different stuff going on. Guns fuck them up like anything else, they fall unconscious and bleed out like mortals do, but what they do have is insanely better regeneration times. At their base levels it's 1 Bashing a turn, 1 Lethal every 15 minutes, and 1 Aggravated damage every 4 days. However they do downgrade any non-silver/non-supernatural Aggravated damage to Lethal. They can just regen through that stuff, if their leg explodes it's quickly starts knitting back together. Their Bashing regen is determined by their Primal Urge (general power level) but isn't going to get much higher than 2B a turn in most games, and by spending Essence they can regenerate Lethal at that rate for a turn too. If they lose a limb or something through Aggravated damage it regrows as they heal that damage. Silver always causes Aggravated damage to them. The only thing that really alters any of that is Gauru, which is their man-wolf hybrid war form. While in Gauru they ignore wound penalties and regenerate ALL Bashing and Lethal damage each turn for free.
Hobgoblins, like the Briarwolves, work exactly the same as mortals do as do Changelings. Only difference there is that cold iron deals Aggravated damage to them. Hunters are just like mortals as well, as are Mages unless under the effects of a spell. Ditto for Deviants unless they have a Variation for it. Ephemeral Entities like ghosts or spirits take Bashing damage from things that would usually cause Lethal unless their banes (personal weaknesses) are utilised. Ephemeral Entities have to be physically Manifested in order to be hurt with things that aren't their banes as well. Most other monstrous things are either going to be like mortals or downgrade Lethal to Bashing.
That basically covers everything I can reasonably fit into a single reply. If you really care I can cover Bound, Prometheans, Mummies, and Demons in a second as those have more stuff going on.