Look at all these cards Kiara has made. She used basically every single brain cell she's got stored up in that spherical head of hers to think up of the best quotes to put for the valentines cards she made for her genmates as well as her gorgeous manager Jenma and even cards for Reine, Nene and Subaru who will no doubt talk all about on their own stream once the time comes. Not only them though but even you KFP workers obtained a Valentines Card which was super extra cute. Cute chimkins, Cute Kiwawa, Cute stream. Love this Phoenix like you wouldn't BELIEVE. Now sit down and enjoy her some more as she gushes about her upcoming cover song with Ame and reads supachats for the day.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgM5uiD3fv0Did you guys know that Watame is the proud owner of a shiny Shinx? Did you see her posing with said Shinx with the photo mode of PLA, even giving us a sight of what an ANGRY sheep looks like even if it doesn't work because even when she tries to look threatening this sheep can't help but be the most precious and adorable sheep in the world deserving of unlimited amounts of headpats and hugs and forehead kisses, god look at that smile of hers, how could you not get warm and fuzzy staring at her.