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She said she has somewhere to go between this and the collab later today because of a direct offer she received from "a certain person" that she has to "deal with in one way or the other". I'm going to cope and believe she is talking about Patra's offer from her Totsumachi a few months ago.
She was very impressed with Towa's live, she thinks it reflected her personality really well and she was very cool. Shirakami loves band-style lives as well and wants to be cool like Towa, but most of her music is on the cuter side. Like she mentioned before, she would like a new song that goes in a different direction, but is unsure if that would work for her or if cute suits her better. We'll have to see what happens with that, but she has mentioned it twice now so I'm pretty sure she is just teasing her next song that she either finished recently or is currently working on.
She managed to beat the latest extreme trial on FF14. She said she has never tried hard content before, she has only done unsyched stuff with Sukonbu for the rewards before. She joined a beginner party that were learning the fight together and died a lot at first, but managed to progress further and further until they beat it and it was very rewarding. She is playing a tank (Gunbreaker) in her personal time, but on her streams she plays a DPS (Dragoon) and she is thinking about changing her class to a tank on stream as well after finishing the main story of the current expansion because she is not very confident as a DPS and doesn't really know her rotation and how how to play as her class very well and always gets carried by the Sukonbu. She has more experience as a tank and playing it is a lot simpler due to simpler rotations and higher survivability, so she thinks it'd be better for her. She plans to continue playing FF14 on stream soon, but she is kind of unsure because she is kind of busy in the next two weeks with work and collabs.
She has a collab with Noel and Rui tomorrow and one with Flare and one with Anya next week. She wants to do a Father Shirakami stream tomorrow as well if she can, she will be taking submissions from Sukonbu for that. They can submit their sins or anything else that they want forgiveness for, and Father Shirakami will forgive everything. She also wants to do a Mengen Zatsudan next week if she can find the time. Later today, there's the Game of Life with Bakatare Circus on Watame's channel.