>>94121251>started as a joke, joke its funny>joke its funny, people make a lot of oc >joke stops being funny, some people dont get the memo. A general gets made>joke is no longer a joke. they are actually rping there>okay fine they can stay there-nop, its full on mental illness time>spreads to a lot of threads, actual weird fetish thing, rping on that thread becomes actually disgusting, cant have a conversation without a guy triying to convince you that "turning into your oshi is based and we can have gay sex if i turn into min">it gets so weird and disgusting that mods step in>banish the thread because it has mutated so much its stepping into the toes of /meat/,/ringo/ and other fetish stuffTo this day, you cant allow the haha become lamy joke in your thread because it starts as a joke and very soon someone activates like a winter soldier kind of creature and starts telling you to transition IRL. It attracts a lot of schizos, and not the anti kind