>>37309628can you do a vocaroo of the wosemi version
Wuca hate
>entiwe pewsonawity awnd speaking stywe copied fwom twitch stweamews, pawticuwawwy xqc>puts zewo effowt intwo hiws own stweams, awways wate awnd awways extwemewy unpwepawed>constantwy invites himsewf tuwu cowwabs awnd twies tuwu make himsewf the centew of attention instead of suppowting the owiginaw cowwab membews>aww hiws jokes awe incwedibwy wepetitive awnd shitty awnd he juwst fowces thewm endwesswy untiw peopwe awe sick of iwt>cheats in games tuwu fuew hiws own ego, cheated in among us awnd got cawwed out own iwt by both fuwguw awnd aia. Cheated in minecwaft aftew begging finana tuwu give him admin tuwu whitewist peopwe...except he onwy evew used iwt tuwu buiwd shit in cweative without tewwing anyone untiw pomu cawwed him out fow iwt.>nuked the minecwaft sewvew awnd instead of taking wesponsibiwity he juwst bwamed ewiwa awnd finana awnd the sewvew backend softwawe. Whewn asked tuwu apowogize he wefused tuwu duwu so, pomu awnd sewen had tuwu damage contwow fow him.>wefuses tuwu evew own up tuwu hiws mistakes in genewaw, #1 sign of a shitty pewson whewn they cawn nevew take wesponsibiwity ow apowogize fow anything.>howds weawwy shitty views towawds women awnd gives hiws impwessionabwe undewage fans awfuw sexist advice thawt juwst fuews theiw body image issues.>knew a giww had a cwush own him awnd bwoke hew heawt by getting dwunk awnd kissing sowme wandom giww in fwont of hew. Acted wike he had no idea why she stopped tawking tuwu him.>buwwied sowme poow kid in schoow awnd twied tuwu paint iwt as him "hewping" the kid untiw the kid wepowted him tuwu the schoow fow buwwying. Once again acted obwivious tuwu hiws actions.>got caught texting awnd dming fans pwivatewy without discwosing tuwu hiws management. Onwy weason iwt came out iws because the fans posted iwt pubwicwy. Pwobabwy a gwoomew.>activewy egoseawches himsewf own /hewe/ awnd seethes abouwt iwt because he juwst cawn't handwe cwiticism.>keeps begging pomu fow cowwabs, twied tuwu invade the ewipom dwunk phasmo stweam they've bewn pwanning aww yeaw untiw pomu towd him tuwu fuck off because iwt's a giwws-onwy stweam.>got handcam stweams banned because he decided tuwu one-up evewyone by doxxing hiws fuww exposed awm own twittew. >Wost FwomSoft pewms for the entiwety of NijiEN because he weft monetization on an Elden Wing stream, forcing Wosemi, Ewiwa, and Wox to compwetewy cancew their ongoing pwaythwoughs.>Waped S*m*n in fwont of Mawia>Used howowive bgm without pewmission and nevuh apowogized>Needed Ninaur to fwy to Austwawia to chapewone him to EU, she ended up getting Covid while babysitting him awound for 2 weeks and couldn't stweam for neawly a month>Got Shu pwegnant and wefused to take wesponsibiwity>Taught Wosemi a bunch of c*rse words