Men have always sought comfort in women for money. For ages it was done at brothels, which while they were known for sex, also dealt in relaxation and company for the men who sorely needed it. A century ago, in the first age of film, there were constant screenings of pornography that men would hustle to by the group just to see some grainy, black and white titties. Our grandfathers and fathers generations wasted their cash at strip clubs and cabaret clubs until the explosion of magazines like PlayBoy, which got so big because previous generations were just as much coomers as anyone today, but the sources from which they could get it were limited and monopolies.
E-thots and all the trends that stem from it like the explosion of porn sites, camsites, services like OnlyFans, and yes, even VTubers are just the latest trends in the never-ending struggle of men who seek the comfort and care of women but can only obtain it through monetary means. This isn't some profound proof of a sick society, or at least not any more so than previous ones. This has been going on forever and will likely continue to do so as long as there are lonely men and women willing to exploit them.
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