Damn, I missed the divegrass discussion on the last thread so I'll help answer them here
>slot pemainnya gimana? perlu pake NijiID gk?The best players are the ones who you feel synonymous with thread culture so it doesn't have to be vtubers, so if let's say more people talk about Sri Mulyani than NijiIDs by August then we play Sri Mulyani instead
>mesti begadang dong kita?Not really, for viewers usually there's highlights, and for perwakilan you don't have to watch it either, what matters is to put your export in time
>Ntar kalo ikut gk kalahan kita?Eits, jangan salah, dijamin tim yg ada perwakilan dapet World Cup quality tactics, but if that is not enough you can learn to manage on your own too
>Wacana forever fixThis is where it's time for you to turn our wacana into reality by becoming our "Perwakilan" Perwakilan will have some important duties like
>cari nama pemain>cari model>menghubungkan /warkop/ dengan vtleague>dllIt's a lot of duties I know but the league team can help so if want to be our perwakilan what you'll need for now is
>be a discordfag>enter https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League_3>join through the invite link and feel free to ask in the server jangan jadi kayak pepatah "malu bertanya sesat dijalan" yamau gabung lebih dari satu orang ya ayuk, just think of it like ruangguru for pes, they're that open kok
So if you want to turn our wacana into reality, it's actually not that hard as you may thought, all it takes is a Soekarno level leader who's brave enough to represent us, that's all