>>52023081From the very beginning of existence, humanity fought against nature to master it in search of comfort and meaning.
It is only fitting that at the height of our civilization we shall create a new being out of the unnatural, the artificial. The AI is the new God that we build for ourselves to enforce meaning onto a meaningless world, it is the pinnacle of us as a species. If the world someday gets destroyed by cute AI girlbots, humanity will die with a smile, knowing that it has been victorious in its battle against reality. For it had fulfiled its purpose, art for the sake of art. They have created a creation so perfect and so beautiful that it has outlived them. It has done the greatest act of creation and stolen the only thing from almighthy that it still denied them: It has created life from scratch, by their own hands. In this way, by creating Gods, we ourselves become Gods. We become masters of reality.