>>62037999>For this chapter I'm not sure how much there is to say.Yeah... and I know it's a cheap cop out but I am so burnt out from it tat that was as much as I was willing to do. There was quite a bit more I could've done but like... I just can't now. I am sorry it fell short of the boom you were hoping for. Burnt out is a bitch and I would've waited until the inspiration properly came if not for the fact that it seems I was stuck on this and couldn't write anything new until it got finished.
>Botan not mentioning your new lion features are cute was kinda a missed opportunity though.I actually never thought of that. I was hoping for a short and bitter sweet return. Just enough to give him closure, but short enough that it still hits his heart sorta thing. That would've been cute though if I had thought of that lol.
>end winner of the anon bowl,Thank you for making me giggle
>but it did kinda come outta left field almost with the previous context.It did and it was something I failed to capitalize on. I was torn between Ayame and Fubuki throughout the final third and the indecision left both of them incomplete. If I would've just committed to one or the other it would've been better but I fumbled it unfortunately. Nonetheless, I couldn't let Anon go without a happy end to his story, just felt wrong.
>Good work again finishing your adventure story. It was nice to watch it evolve through it's journey. thank you for helping it evolve as it did. You played a large part in making it what it was. It would've been a far inferior project without your critiques. I've said it before, but I made a note of every critique you and others made and whenever I decide to do another adventure story, I'll apply those to the story. You were a great help to making it better and I genuinely appreciate your input on it, even if it had quite a few misses.
>what hit you with burn out while you were near the end of your story?Some real life stuff. My current life is going through a lot of change right now (not all of it bad, but it's a lot of change) and the pressure definitely got to me. Writing is something that makes me truly happy and when I can't be satisfied with my work, it throws me for a bit of a loop and I lost steam. That and the fact that I was working on it nonstop for like four months lol. I enjoyed it, but it's nice to finally finish it off.
And again, thank you. I truly appreciate you taking the time to give thoughtful critiques. It made the story far, far better because of it and hopefully, the next will be all the better if I can apply those from start to end.