Archive contains 8111 tweets, 8 community posts, and 10 emotes. Twitter media was scraped using gallery-dl (387 jpg/83 mp4/521 json), Twitter Media Downloader (387 jpg/81 mp4), and JDownloader (305 jpg/73 mp4/830 txt). You can find direct links in snscrape or Twitter Media Downloader (more readable version). I personally recommend just grabbing twint and gallery-dl for the most complete tweet and media collection.
Here are the commands I used (without optional flags):
gallery-dl --range 1-1094 --write-metadata --mtime-from-date --jsonl --with-entity --since 2020-01-27 twitter-user melissa_2434 > melissa_2434.json
snscrape --since 2020-01-27 twitter-user melissa_2434 > melissa_2434.txt
twint -u melissa_2434 -o melissa_2434.json --since 2020-01-27 --json
twint -u melissa_2434 -o melissa_2434.csv --since 2020-01-27 --csv
If you'd like to scrape more than ~3200 tweets, download this fork of twint ""
Thanks for keeping the thread alive, melibros. Wouldn't want anyone to miss out on Melissa's soulful drawings.
NDsHHZSS#H2kgCwLpO92T7HfcP8zc1g (no member posts)