>>5757028No, she was toying with your honesty so she's a psycho cunt alright. You may have been weird in that circumstance, but the malicious intent was all hers, you were just awkward and she used that as an advantage to extort you for literal fucking cash. Fuck her I hope she was beaten by a fucking methhead.
>>5757084Im not that anon. You are not unsympathetic, you just have no perspective of what that anon is describing and cannot empathise with him beyond 'showing sympathy'. You asking him questions will always and only be a gate through which you can disregard his statements and tell him to self imrpoove when the truth is hes probably perfectly fucking normal, just no by todays modern kike standards where women are supported directly by the government to fuck over and extort men. Fucking lurk an incel forum for 5 minutes and you'll see how deep that rabbit hole goes. And the worst/best part is that their prophecies, predictions and theories are being discussed and slowly agreed upon more and more each day, just look at the rising tide of disgust against women over the last few years. This isn't some collection of isolated cases you normalfaggot nigger fuckwit. This is a problem spanning multiple parts of the world with the worst hellscape of this shit: South Korea.
Fuck that shithole I dont envy the worst Korean man at ALL.