>>25597287That's just the natural cycle, I guess! Penguins live a hard life. If they're not getting eaten by their natural predators, they're getting raped. There's some truth to the rapeable pentomo rumors after all!
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABM8RTVYaVwSeal-on-penguin rape is probably the most well-known example, in part because it's completely incongruous - most animals don't rape across species or when they do, it's usually because they've mistaken their target in some way. But penguins are notorious for raping each other, too.
>https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-18370797In the early 20th century, a scientist observed 'depraved' behaviors among penguins like rape and necrophilia and was so absolutely shocked by this revelation that he excised his observations from his research and wrote his notes in Greek to prevent them from being read by the average Brit. Honestly, this kind of behavior is so common in the animal kingdom as to be unremarkable - but often, we ascribe human values to penguins because their upright manner and tuxedo outfits make them seem a little more 'human.'